UPSC-Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer
Post :-Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer
Post :-Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer
Pay Scale Rs.9300-34800/- plus ( PB) plus Rs.46,00/- (Grade Pay). Total emoluments excluding TA and HRA at the time of initial appointment will be Rs. 37537/-
Age Not exceeding 30 years as on normal closing date. Not exceeding 35 years for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates as on normal closing date in respect of vacancies reserved for them. Not exceeding 33 years for Other Backward Classes candidates as on normal closing date in respect of the vacancies reserved for them. Relaxable for regularly appointed Central/U.T. Government Servant/EPFO employees upto Five years as per instructions/orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time. For age concession applicable to some other categories of applicants, please see relevant paras of the ‘Instructions and Additional Information to Candidates for Recruitment by Selection.
Essential Qualificaiton (s) EDUCATIONAL - (i) Bachelor’s Degree in any Subject.
Desirable Qualificaiton (s) i) Desirable Qualification-
a). Bachelor’s degree in Law/Integrated 5 years Degree in Law/Master in Business Administration/Post Graduate Diploma in Management/Company Secretary/Chartered Accountants/Cost Management Accountant.
b). EXPERIENCE Two years experience in administration/accounts/Legal Master in any government or Listed-Private Organization.
Duty(ies) Duties of Enforcement Officer/ Accounts Officer inter alia are to look after the work of Enforcement, Recovery, Accounts, Administration Cash, Legal Pension and Computer which includes the statutory and administrative functions like conducting inquiry settlement of claims, general administration maintenance of Cash Book/Administration maintenance of Cash Book/Reconciliation of Bank statement MIS returns etc.
Probation Two years