How to Write SEO Articles with Keywords

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Do you want to learn how to write SEO articles? No one is expert in the field of SEO, neither I, however I have few tricks which you can use to optimize your articles and make it search engine friendly.

How to write SEO articles

I believe you have already heard of few common points, like keyword density should be this much %, use your keyword in meta description, use it in first paragraph of the post etc Blah! Blah! Blah! I am not gonna share something new but I will summarize all these stuffs at one place, here in this post. So that it would be handy for you to optimize your post, if you are not using any premium plugin. This brief guide will show you how to write SEO articles with keywords in just a few easy steps. you can also refer my seo checklist, which I refer for search engine optimization.
Few Easy Steps to Help you Learn about How to Write Artciles for SEO
Before we get into those steps, let me explain the concept of keyword density. The number of times a keyword gets mentioned in a particular page can help determine how optimized that page is for the search engines.
When you’re looking at keyword density, it seems that aiming for a density level of between 1% and 4% seems to be the going recommendation on how to write seo articles without being picked up as a keyword stuffer.
I would recommend have keyword density between 1% and 3% to be on the safe side and avoid using it in places where it doesn’t really flow with the article.
how to write SEO articles
1. Keyword Research
I am assuming that you are done with initial stage of keyword research and you have your target keyword (or focus keyword) ready. In order to rank for this keyword, you should do a research on Google Ad-words Tool to a) check keyword competition b) try to write unique content, which is not available on your competitor’s website.
2. Use Header Tags for Headings
You should always use subheadings when you are writing an article. You can do this by using h2 tags. This helps keep your ideas organized and much easier to read, it also provides a great place to put your keywords. Search engines pay special attention to keywords placed in header tags, so try to use your keyword into a subheading to get it noticed by search engine.
3. Title, H1 Tag and Meta Description are Important
One of the most essential places you can use your target keywords is in the title, Headings and Meta description tag of your article. Write a eye catchy title people would want to click on. For example, if your keyword is “Car” you may want to have a title like “How to Drive Car” or “How to maintain Cars”, something along those lines.
4. Keyword Density
how to write SEO articles
In order to efficiently write a search engine friendly and keyword rich article, the article should be thick or filled with the target keywords or focus keyword phrases. On average an SEO article should have a keyword density between 1 – 4 %. To figure out the keyword density of an article, multiply the number of times your keyword or keyword phrases appear in your article, divide that number by the word count of the article. You can also refer my post keyword density checker.

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