How To Write Perfect SEO-Optimized Articles in WordPress

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One of the best ways to keep getting traffic for your oldest/earliest posts is to make them search engine friendly. In the long run, only search engines can help you to get traffic for old posts.
In this article I will share some tips for writing SEO-optimized articles that will rank better with search engines.
WordPress Seo Article
I have been running multiple blogs, and we have several authors working day and night to keep them updated with fresh, quality content. Sometimes, however, quality drops and that usually happens due to a lack of knowledge.
Every blog post is like a web page in terms of search engine ranking, and you can optimize each post with specific keywords for the search engines. There are several things that you should keep in mind in this regard, and we will be discussing them in this post.
Whenever I hire a new author to work on our blogs, I have to give him manual input and checklists to help him to write better articles. Apart from selecting topics, there is a complete SEO checklist that must be taken care of.  I used to send this information out in an email to all the authors in my blog network.  So I thought it would be a good idea to compile all of this information in a post. This way, ShoutMeLoud readers will all benefit from this information and learn how to create SEO-optimized posts as well.
Please note that in this post I will not be covering keyword research, though I will do so in a future post, as keyword research requires a detailed post of its own.
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